Wednesday, July 4, 2007


We've found some interesting coincidences (?) in the numerology of family dates. Post if you have found any in your family.


In the Linda Babler family:
JJ Weber was born on the 18th, his youngest daughter Grace was born on the 18th (different months)
Louie Pomplun was born on the 19th, his youngest daughter April was born on the 19th (dif. months)
Olivia Weber was born on the 27th, her cousin Rose Pomplun was born on the 27th (dif. months)
Lindsey Weber was born on the 28th, her cousin Kali Pomplun was born on the 28th (dif. months)
Rose Pomplun was born on June 27, her sister Kali on June 28 (dif. year)

In the Dave Boettcher family:
All the boys were born on even years, including grandchildren (Dave 1950, Jay 74, Billy 84, Braeden 2006)
All the girls were born on odd years, including grandchildren (Sue 58, Janna 81, Dee 73, Emily 01, and Abby 03).
That's how they knew Braeden would be a boy!

In the Dennis Burns family:
All birthdates are in the 20's (Shona 20 Feb; Alice 21 Aug; Den 21 Jan; Lance 21 May; Brett 23 Dec). What a coinky-dink!

Anna Dennison was born on the 20th, she died on the 20th (dif. months - Aug, Sept.)
Harry Dennison was born on the 11th, he died on the 1st (dif. months)
Chuck Babler was born on the 2nd, he died on the 2nd (dif. months - Oct, Dec.)

Born on Jan 7 were sisters Linda Babler and Sue Boettcher
Born on May 19 were Louie Pomplun and Dustin DeJohnge
Born on May 27 were Olivia Weber and Sandy Traxler
Born on Aug. 20 were Anna Dennison and Ruth Corning, and it is the anniversary of Sue and Dave's parents.
Born on Aug. 21 were Alice Burns, and it is the anniversary of Jay and Dee Boettcher
Born on Aug. 22 were Danny Monroe and Louka Pomplun

Janna Boettcher will be married on 6-7-8

1 comment:

5onearth said...

Thanks to Alice and Sue for e-mailing me their dates!