Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas was a pain in the back for two

Christmas was a pain in the back, so to speak, for both Kali and Rose, who both injured their lower backs around the holiday. Isn't it ironic?

Rose of course injured hers Christmas Eve. We aren't sure what happened, but it could be because she had been wearing some cheap tennis shoes without adequate support. At Church service Christmas Eve she could hardly walk. Then she spent the night with the Pompluns, on Louka's extra bed, which is a twin mattress with no box spring. That night she woke up in extreme pain, unable to move.

A few days later, Kali's back started hurting after she arrived home from work. The pain for both, they say, was severe, with shooting pains down their legs. We were concerned that it may have been something viral, since they both had the same prob days apart, thought maybe it could be something like spinal meningitis, but the docs said no, that is in the neck area and involves a fever (neither had any flu symptoms), and that they had never heard of a virus causing lower back pain.

Both are receiving chiropractic and physicians care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For me, Rose, not only was there severe pain, it was the spasms that were the worst. It crippled me with pain and my whole body just convulsed into one position and wouldn't let go for a few seconds. That was the worst. As for me, the spams have shortened to just a spark of a second when moved in the wrong position. The pain is still there if I move in the wrong position, especially dealing with laying in bed, but the meds have helped, that's for sure...Rose