Wednesday, October 24, 2007

First Cars

What was your first car and when did you get it?

I've been told Linda got her driver's license before she turned 16 because she needed to drive the kids places, since Grandma Anna couldn't drive. I've also heard she drove people around in a pickup truck. Is that correct?

Tammy's first car was a 73 Vega she got before she got her driver's license. Shortly afterward, the motor fell out as the bolts rusted through -- while she was driving it. She then got another Vega, which she failed to put oil in and blew the motor. Then she got a 76 Nova, and also a 70 Chevelle. Dang, to have those cars now!!!

I remember Curt also had a Nova, I think a 73, that a tree fell on in Hanover.

Rose's first car was a dark blue Pontiac G3, I think. Millions of miles on it, but she liked it. Then she got a white Grand Am, that has been passed down to Jasmine and Kali.
Now she drives a green Grand Prix, but is looking for a SUV or mini van.

Jasmine's first car was a black Cavalier. Then she got the white Grand Am from Rose and later a red Grand Am that was Ashley's (Cole's Ashley) that Louie fixed for her after she was broadsided.

Kali's first car, and still car, is the white Grand Am. She'd like a new one, but hasn't been able to save any money, so good luck!

I'm pretty sure the white Grand Am will be dead before April gets her license in a year and a half. So, she'll probably get our great big suburban, since it'll haul a horse trailer for her horses. JUST KIDDING, APRIL.

What was your first car? When did you get it (they year or your age)?

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